Friday, April 07, 2006

I confess. I gave in.

Everyone told me, "Start a blog, Katie! Everyone's doing it!"

I tried to stave them off with the traditional, "If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?" But eventually I gave in. Mostly because I was bored. But also because sometimes, I just have to rant.

Life's funny sometimes, after all. I'll try to maintain regular posting with the funny parts of my life. As I work in corporate America, take public transportation everywhere I go, and live with roommates that I moved in with blindly, something semi-interesting tends to happen to me every day.

And of course, my sparkling commentary will boost it from semi-interesting to interesting.

So, what to talk about today? Hmm... we're going to go with the first thing that came to my mind that made me giggle.

At work, we are asked to put a sticky note on our cubicle name tags when we are gone so that people who come by looking for us know not to wait. This policy makes a certain amount of sense to me, but some people use the note to reveal more information than their coworkers really want to know.

For instance, a woman had a sticky note on her cube that said something like this: "Out sick, 4/3-4/5. Asthma."

Ok. The point of the sticky note is to let people know that you are gone, not to tell them why! What's next? "Out sick, 4/6. Pelvic exam." "Personal day, 7/6. My kid got suspended from school for starting a fire." "Vacation, 8/9-8/13. Going to Canada mostly for the cheap booze."

And honestly, most of the sticky notes would read like this: "Out sick, 9/18. Faking."


Katie said...

That's true. The real humor in that one is the woman that has the sign saying "Out to Lunch" up pretty much all the time.

Becky said...

Hee hee! Katie, you are funny.

Becky said...

I'm putting a link to your site in my blog, just to warn you. You're going to be famous in just a few minutes! Are you excited!?!?

Katie said...

You have a link in mine too!

Anonymous said...

So I am the only one without a blog, huh? Good! You are all a bunch of freaks! j/k I think when I go to Pittsbugh next week I am going to post, "Vacation 4-17...On a 3 day booze bender in Pitt watching the better Chicago team, THE CUBS, clobber the Pirates!"

Anonymous said...

By the have Shannon's blog linked to Becky's name and Becky's blog linked to Shannon's name.

Katie said...

Haha, oops. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Does my LJ count as a blog? I demand linkage!

And hah, some people are just a little too open with their coworkers.

Katie said...

Sure. I'll link it. I thought about it before but I thought most of your entries were friends-only.