Friday, December 04, 2009

5 annoying things my cat does

So, obviously it's been a long time since I wrote anything. So, I'm trying a new format to try to get myself posting regularly again. Every day (ok maybe not EVERY day, but I'll try), I'm going to post a list of 5 things. Not a top 5, just a list of 5. Topics will be all over the place in hopes of keeping it interesting.

In my head, this will be very amusing. We'll see if it actually turns out that way.

To start, let me tell you that I recently took my cat to the vet and was told she was overweight. So, I have been cutting down the amount of food I give her. She is not pleased with this. And she's no dummy -- she knows how to irritate me. It's been a battle of wills to get her to stop doing annoying things without giving in and giving her more food.

So, that's what is on my mind just now. Without further ado, here are...

5 annoying things my cat does

1. Chews on my shower curtain. There's something about the texture of the plastic that appeals to her, and I am continually finding more tiny teeth holes in my pretty bamboo shower curtain. I hate it.

2. Bats at the springs at the base of the walls that are designed to keep the doors from hitting the walls. Ever kicked one of those? It's one of the world's most irritating sounds. Particularly when a hungry cat hits the spring approximately every 15 seconds.

3. Climbs into my lap, then stands there. She is, generally speaking, an affectionate cat. She'd rather lay in my lap than anywhere else in the apartment. This part, I don't mind so much. But for some reason, when she jumps into my lap, she will stand there, staring at me then turning in circles, for a good 90 seconds before laying down. WHY?

4. Chews through cords. Luckily, she only does it with a certain type of cord that I recognize now, but I went through 3 phone chargers before I knew what was going on. And once, she chewed through my phone headset cord while I was driving, which did not please me. It only takes her about two bites, too. Destruction in a flash.

5. Hides under the bed when she knows something bad is coming. For instance, if she sees me take out her carrier, or put the mini litter box in the bathroom (like I do when I have to shut her in there for a while), she's gone instantly. And I always find her under the bed, dead center, where I can't reach her. I hate her for being smart, sometimes.

Day one complete. But tomorrow's another day.

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