Monday, December 07, 2009

5 things I love about Christmas in Chicago

1. Christkindlmarket, the outdoor German craft market in Daley Plaza. I usually pronounce it "Kris Kringle Market" even thought I know that's wrong. I has lots of pretty gifts, and awesome cider and mulled wine!

2. The holiday train. The CTA completely decks out one of the el trains every year. They switch out the upholstery, wrap the poles to look like candy canes, replace the ads with Christmas jokes, and have workers dressed like elves handing out candy canes. The outside is covered in lights, and you can hear the piped Christmas music from several hundred feet away. It makes me giddy every time I see it.

3. Completely transformed stores. I know all stores everywhere decorate for Christmas, but Macy's on State Street will out do any store anywhere in terms of decorations. The place has a tree or wreath every three feet, and there is shiny stuff everywhere. It could not feel any more Christmasy in that place. I realize this is designed to make you shop more, but I don't care. I love going in there at Christmas!

4. The wreathed Art Institute lions. Something about seeing the regal lion statues bedecked with wreaths around their necks just makes me laugh. I heard recently that there is a "lion-wreathing ceremony" every year in December. You can bet that I'll be catching that next year!

5. The lights on the Magnificent Mile. While I'm not a huge fan of the whole Mickey Mouse parade that serves as the lighting ceremony, I do love the final result.

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